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TEE #042 Staying Connected: Email Marketing After Etsy’s API Changes

marketing Jan 06, 2024
Staying Connected: Email Marketing After Etsy’s API Changes SJ Etsy Queen Sarah-Jane Lewis

Read time: 4 minutes

Etsy sellers have long relied on collecting buyer email addresses through Etsy’s API to nurture relationships and promote their shops. However, recent API changes have limited access to buyer data and left many sellers wondering – how do I continue reaching customers?

In this post, I’ll summarise Etsy’s API changes, discuss compliant email collection tactics, review third-party platforms to aid your campaigns, and explore opportunities to diversify.


Understanding Etsy’s API Changes

Previously, the Etsy API enabled sellers to access buyer email addresses and other data using third-party apps. However, updated privacy policies have restricted this access to better protect user information.

Specifically, the API can no longer provide individual email addresses or allow mass downloads of customer data. While well-intentioned, this hampers email marketing efforts that sellers relied upon to boost repeat purchases.


Compliant Email Collection Methods

While the API changes present challenges, several privacy-compliant methods exist to collect emails moving forward:

Opt-in Forms: Include signup forms in your Etsy shop frontend and off-site personal website. Incentivise form completion through lead magnets like coupons or free printables.

Social Contests: Run giveaways through platforms like Facebook requiring an email address to enter. Direct entrants to also join your mailing list.

Content Upgrades: Offer exclusive digital content like craft tutorials or resource libraries in exchange for providing an email address.

Offline Events: For sellers attending fairs or markets, capture emails with buyer consent to share product updates.

The key requirements are transparency, clear communication, user consent, and easy unsubscribing.


Alternate Platforms to Aid Email Marketing

Third-party platforms streamline creating sign-up forms, sending campaigns, and reporting on metrics if you previously handled this through Etsy apps. Top solutions include:

Mailchimp – Intuitive email marketing platform with expansive templates and analytics. Easy integration with ecommerce backends.

ConvertKit – Specifically focused on creators, emphasises automations for lead nurturing.

HubSpot – All-in-one software for marketing, sales, and CRM needs. Free and paid tiers based on features.

Most platforms offer generous free tiers to test capabilities with restrictions relaxing at paid levels. Assess your audience size and feature needs when selecting an optimal solution.


Business Diversification Opportunities

While retaining your Etsy seller account, consider expanding offerings through additional channels, both as alternate revenue streams and opportunities to capture customer emails.

For example, create an online course sharing your skills through platforms like Kajabi. The Kajabi platforms allows you to develop your website, create blog posts, create extensive email funnels for compliant email collection and online courses and tutorials for your niche.

Currently they have a fantastic offer to join for only $99 for 3 months access! BONUS when you sign up I am offering to support you to get going!  I run my whole business through Kajabi and can highly recommend it.

Use lead generation ads on platforms like Facebook to drive traffic to your website and signup forms. The possibilities are vast when leveraging channels beyond just Etsy.


Over To You

As an Etsy seller, I understand the headache these API changes pose for customer communication. It presents growing pains but forces us to prioritise compliant email collection while expanding our offerings.

I welcome your thoughts and own experiences dealing with this transition in the comments below! Let’s collaborate on additional ideas so we all can prosper.

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1. → My Free Etsy WorkshopPerfect for you if you are just starting out on Etsy. Learn how you can turn your creative passions into cash to earn your first £1000 on Etsy.

2.   → Free Guide: The Ultimate Guide to Launching Your Own Successful Etsy Shop

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